If you've lost or had your mobile device stolen, you will need to ask your user manager or administrator to contact our support team to reset your account security. I’ve lost my mobile device or it was stolen To maintain security, you will need to have access to your previously verified mobile device or have your account security reset by the above methods to log in to Learnosity apps. If you have a Learnosity support account, you can create a support ticket to reset your account security.

You will need to set up your account security with a different mobile device. If you have already set up two-factor authentication and cannot access the authentication code on your mobile device, you will need to ask your user manager or administrator to contact our support team to reset your account security. Completing this step verifies your identity and is required to set up two-factor authentication for Learnosity apps. If you don’t have a mobile device with you to complete the first step ‘Verify it’s you’ with an SMS code, you will need to have access to a mobile device before continuing. I forgot my mobile device at home or do not have it with me

I have to log in with two-factor authentication every time I go to the Author Site.I received an error saying ‘Your username/email is not a valid email address.I’ve lost my mobile device or it was stolen.I forgot my mobile device at home or do not have it with me.General two-factor authentication log in issues This page provides a list of common problems with two-factor authentication login and what you can do to solve them. Your organization turned this on because it's more secure than just your password. If you reached this page by clicking a link in the Author Site, it means your organization has turned on two-factor authentication, meaning that logging in requires a combination of your username/email, your password, and an authentication code from your mobile device.